Legal Framework

The regulatory framework, legality and legal backing of a company's operations must be assured. Automated compliance thanks to RegTech is now possible. New regulatory compliance systems are driving the rapid adoption of legal and technical standards required by regulatory frameworks in any region. In this category, we explore the different standards and address the adaptation of businesses and institutions to them from an opportunity perspective.  Find out more:

  • All the updates on new regulations and laws affecting key industries in the economy.
  • How to adapt your business processes and client operations to the new frameworks.
  • A simple and agile way to expand to other markets while complying with their legal requirements in an automated way.

RegTech has arrived to turn regulatory changes into an opportunity instead of generating friction and penalties for companies. Make regulatory compliance your option to differentiate and grow.

Crypto Fraud Types MiCA
MiCA Regulation Law markets in crypto assets
credit score
eIDAS2: Dates, approach, news and EUDI wallet
EUDI - eu digital identity wallet - eidas2
how to contract a insurance policy with electronic signature
insurance contract | insurance law
Timestamp: what is timestamping
Person looking for info about PSD3
 Administrator looking at an invoice
Financial professional reviewing a digital invoice
Woman calculating an electronic invoicing
Closing a deal with a qualified trust service providers
Person using Tecalis Identity Verification
closing a deal with trust
Blog: Multi-factor Authentication
Hombre filling out KYC Form
Girl exploring fraud attempts for their prevention in 2024
Person trying a digital spoofing
Convergence in banking, financial services and insurance industries (BFSI)
Person using his credit card online
Boy performing a Know Your Client KYC Process in 2024
Lawyer reviewing documentation
Someone stealing an identity
Persona calculating risks in a laptop
Investment and digital asset management app
Document with FATF recommendations
Person verifying identity
People checking documentation with a laptop
Public Administration room
Acuerdo vinculante | Binding agreement
Cliente contratando servicios | Customer contracting services
Método de autenticarse | Authenticate method
RegTech reports in a laptop
Signing a doc in a laptop
Person paying while complying with AML6
Cliente pagando online después de un eKYC | Client online paying after an eKYC
Changes in security and digital regulations with eIDAS2
Firma Electrónica cumpliendo con eIDAS | Electronic Signature complying with eIDAS
Controles Anti-Blanqueo pagando con tarjeta de crédito | Anti-Money Laundering controls paying with credit card
Persona haciéndose un selfie para hacer un proceso KYC | Person taking a selfie to do a KYC process


Controles Anti-Blanqueo pagando con tarjeta de crédito | Anti-Money Laundering controls paying with credit card
Changes in security and digital regulations with eIDAS2
Person using his credit card online