Contracting & Digital Signature

Minute-closing transactions and agreements

Your document and digital signature management does not need to be complex. Opt for solutions that comply with the strictest standards while saving time and costs.

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Use case: Contracting and digital signature
Alquiler Seguro
CMS TAx Future Law
Europa Press
AS Energy
The Power MBA
Grupo MásMóvil

Collaborate with customers, employees and partners in a secure and agile manner

Creating integrated contracting flows with your systems and speeding up deals is the key to a successful business. Create documents and check all options in minutes for your users to sign in seconds.

Simplicity and organization

Use calendars to keep track of everything that happens in signing and contracting processes. Mark notices for expirations, renewals and automate your work.

Full integration

Make it easy and simple. Connect your tools with the day-to-day running of your business. Send your documents and sign them by email, sms, whatsapp, app, etc.

Documentos con hasta 25 páginas
Custody of documents

Send, collect, store and process all types of sensitive information and documentation with the utmost rigor and the support of a trusted third party that provides legal custody.

Electronic signature

The end-to-end solution for creating, sending, scheduling and signing documents.

Electronic signature
Every signature and sending method

The most functional solution on the market, with KYC as a standard feature and all sending modes on any channel (envelopes, bulk, sequential, groups, etc).

The only one with GPT AI

Automatically create financial documentation, powers of attorney, purchase and sale contracts, service docs, invoices, HR documents or insurance policies in seconds.

eIDAS 2 and RGPD

Compliance is not only mandatory, it protects your teams, customers and partners. Choose an EU-approved RegTech QTSP partner.

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Reduce time and costs

Intelligently adapt signing processes to the risk level of the operation. Immutability and sealing in your own databases

Deals and contracts instantly

Unify your operations under Tecalis, the trusted global service platform.

Complementa tu firma digital con verificación de identidad KYC
KYC identity verification

Integrate the most advanced KYC/AML digital onboarding with your eSignature and contracting system seamlessly. Create a transaction risk score, perform bank scrapping and collect and validate sensitive documentation to instantly onboard customers.

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Electronic signature and identity verification KYB
Document processing, KYB and bastanteing

Collect, validate and process all types of documentation: deeds, tax forms, identity, banking or invoices. Powerful OCR and AI computer vision systems with AI for structured and unstructured data.

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Electronic signature and Sales Software, Customer Hub
Customer Hub

All sales and business management tools to get more customers in your own and alternative channels with motivated and capable teams. Much more than a CRM or an ERP, opt for the solution that market leaders use to grow.

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Customer Stories

Renfe: Electronic Signature for the Legal Sector

Tecalis Electronic Signature and Certified Communication have maximized productivity and allowed processes and operations to be performed remotely in compliance with the most demanding standards, digitally and with E2E traceability.

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Movistar: Self-Activation with KYC and Digital Contracting

Tecalis conceived, designed and currently executes an end-to-end platform of self-activations in less than 3 minutes, with a user experience and interfaces designed to avoid churn rates.

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