Public Financing

BKAC: "Blockchain - KYC - AI - Compliance".

The aim of the project is the development of a platform that allows different types of entities to integrate into it and benefit from KYC services powered by Blockchain technology to carry out processes of registration, login, or activation of their products or services in an automated way.

The project is being carried out in our offices in Milladoiro. Its development started in August 2018 and has an execution time of 18 months, ending in January 2020.

The total budget of the project is 251,668.85 € and it is co-financed by the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Help name

Blockchain – KYC – AI – Compliance


Tecalis Innovación S.L.U.


18 months


January 2020

Total budget

251.668,85 €

Financed by

Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).

Principia 2020 Program

A co-financed staff by the Xunta de Galicia under the Resolution of the Galician Innovation Agency on December 23, 2019. (Principia Program)

Help name

Programa Principia


Dexga Technologies S.L.


12 month


January 2021

Total budget

22.000,00 €

Financed by



The aim of the project is the development of a business process robotization platform that can be used by any user, regardless of their technological level.

The project has been carried out by our employees located in Spain. Its development started in July 2020 and has an execution time of 26 months, ending August 2022.

The total budget of the project is 522.570,00 € and is co-financed by the Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Help name



Tecalis Software SL


26 months


August 2022

Total budget

522.570,00 €

Financed by

Center for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER)


This company is a participant in the State Incentive Program for Electric Mobility (MOVES III Program).

Funded by the European Union 
Next Generation EU

Incentive Program 1: Acquisition of plug-in electric and fuel cell vehicles.

Help name

Moves III Program


Tecalis Software SL

Financed by

European Union - Next Generation EU

Foexga Program

This entity has been beneficiary of the Foexga Program.

The main objective of this aid is to encourage the implementation of foreign promotion actions that generate competitive advantages.

The intended result is the promotion of SMEs and their products and services, increasing the number of export-based companies.

Help name

Foexga Program


Tecalis Software SL

Financed by

Xunta de Galicia - UE Co-financing - European Founds