Quality and Security Policies


Tecalis defines as a general policy to offer services that fully satisfy customers with an absolute commitment to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information, always in strict compliance with the legal and regulatory requirements in force, as well as the Codes, Standards, and Specifications contractually applicable.

Tecalis promotes the maintenance and continuous improvement of an Integrated Quality Management System and Information Information Security management and performance by putting into play all the resources it deems necessary to strengthen these bases and the achievement of our objectives, as well as the maintenance of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

Tecalis complies with the highest standards of Information Security by complying with regulations such as ISO 27001 and the RGPD, ensuring confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. Internally, it implements strict access policies, data encryption and regular audits. With its clients, it applies measures such as strong authentication, secure electronic signature and advanced encryption, guaranteeing the protection of information in every process.

The guidelines emanating from this Policy can be summarized in the following basic principles:

Customer orientation

Tecalis customers are our reason to exist. That's the reason why we must meet and satisfy the needs expressed by them and anticipate their expectations through permanent contact. It allows us to evaluate the perception that they have about our services to improve them continuously.


Due to the features of the activities we develop, a high level of professionalism is required from the different work teams as we have to adapt to the characteristics and needs of each client. One of our constants of performance is the permanent adaptation to new methods and techniques present in the market and the continuous improvement of our internal work procedures.

Integration and participation

The quality of our services depends basically on the people developing them. In addition to having the most appropriate means and methods, we must enhance the skills and abilities of the people who make up Tecalis, so that the specialization and training of human resources must be one of our main priorities.

This specialization and skills training must be applied both in the initiation - for people who join the company - and on an ongoing basis to ensure that our processes have the necessary levels of efficiency.

Decentralization and Delegation

Our processes cannot be based on permanent supervision. All Tecalis people must assume responsibility for their tasks at the level that applies to them. The issue of our service must be centered on the people who perform it, so that the people belonging to the different teams of the company have the responsibility and authority to, within their framework of action, organize the activities to achieve customer satisfaction.

Data-driven management

To maintain the highest efficiency and quality level in our services we need control registers and measurement mechanisms to allow us to constantly evaluate their performance. To this end, the mission of Tecalis staff is to permanently check the results obtained in the processes to prevent any deviation from the commitments made to customers.

Information security

Tecalis promotes the reduction or elimination of risks or effects on Tecalis activity that could result from possible security breaches, taking into account the consequences of a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of existing assets.

To meet these basic principles, Tecalis formulates annual quality and information security objectives and monitors them, verifying compliance and establishing the necessary measures if compliance is threatened.

The Quality and Information Security Policy is communicated to all personnel through training seminars and the delivery of a controlled copy of this document. In addition, another controlled copy is posted on the Tecalis bulletin board and the corporate web portal. In this way, Tecalis ensures that the Integrated Management System Policy is clearly understood by all company personnel and other interested parties.